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Dir.:Donald Farmer

Ciclo Viernes de terror (con cortos al inicio de Cuentos de terror de Alberto Laiseca, homenaje a ISAT)

Idioma: inglés (subtitulada)

Guión: Donald Farmer

Elenco: Ghetty Chasun, Michelle Bauer, Danny Fendley, Jasmine Pona, Mandy Leigh, Julianna Masterson, Christine Cavalier, Bill Randolph, Kitten Natividad

Año: 1995

Dur.: 77 min.

Caroline likes to give blood because she is broke and it is easy money. Everything is great until one day the doctor injects her with a serum that gives her a need for blood. Caroline is slaugtering people with her new teeth until she falls in love with Lisa and doesn’t want to drink her.

