Retrato de una joven a finales de los sesenta en Bruselas

  • Inicio: 27/06/2024
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Dir.: Chantal Akerman

Título original: Portrait d’une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles

Idioma: francés (subtitulada)

Guión: Chantal Akerman

Elenco: Circé Lethem, Julien Rassam, Joëlle Marlier, Cynthia Rodberg

Ciclo Chantal Akerman

1994, Bélgica

60 min.

The main character, Michele, spends the hour discussing her views of life with some old and new friends, and tries to understand her own feelings about her place in the world and her sexuality, while a camera follows along at close range.

